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Education is Peace: Queen Luciano Foundation on the 2024 International Day of Education Celebration

  • Post published:March 4, 2024
  • Post category:General

The education sector has had a grave disruption in our society, especially the 3rd world countries like Nigeria. This comes from the rise of conflicts, war and inequality which rampage the society. There is no argument that this harms children’s mental health, developmental ability, and life choices.

The Premium Times published a survey in September 2022 which reveals a troubling situation of education in Nigeria. From the survey, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) found that there are about 20 million out-of-school dropouts in Nigeria. This is one of the reasons why the entire team of Queen Luciano Foundation (QLF) took it upon themselves to celebrate the International Day of Education to contribute to the rise of education in society.

This celebration comes annually on January 24. The QLF family celebrated by visiting schools in both Akure, Ondo state and Benin City, Edo State. The Akure visit was to Oyemekun Grammar School Akure.

These school visits were done because the QLF family knew that the foundation on which a child’s career is built is education. And the bedrock of the existence of the foundation is to give hope and strength to children with dreams and potential.

During the outreach at the schools, the respective principals, the entire staff and the students showed their happiness and satisfaction with such a visit from the foundation. The lecture was on the 2024 theme, “Learning for Lasting Peace.” The theme signifies that education is a great tool for lasting peace. Both guest speakers of the event, Ajidahun Similoluwa Faith and Joseph Ebube Mmadueke elaborated on the importance of education to ensure a fair, peaceful and sustainable global society.

Both respective guest speakers went further to teach that, with education, there will be equality in the world and the eradication of discrimination and poverty. They also have it that education will give students the skills and knowledge to advocate for peace in the community.

After the lecture time, there were rooms for questions and answers which took most of the time of the event, the students asked many questions that bothered them and the speakers provided answers.

The QLF team went ahead to present school materials to each student ranging from exercise books to pens and then biscuits as incentives to showcase the importance of education in today’s world.

Pictures were taken at intervals and they were all happy to see the representative of the foundation.

The school prefect boy of Oyemekun Grammar School gave an appreciative speech asking for more of events that could help educate and sensitise them on the impact of education. He also pleaded with the foundation to help in footing the fees for some students who could not afford the jamb forms which cost #7000.

After their time with the students, both teams in the respective states left the schools with joy and a promise to visit again whenever the situation arises.