You are currently viewing Valentine’s day celebration with the lepers of Ago Ireti leprosy home.

Valentine’s day celebration with the lepers of Ago Ireti leprosy home.

  • Post published:February 28, 2022
  • Post category:General

Open your heart to those in need is a saying no one should forget. It was a moment of joy for Ago Ireti leprosy home as Queen Luciano Foundation visited the leper home to celebrate and donate gift items to them to mark the year 2022. Valentine’s day celebration. Money will not last. Fame will not last. But how you touch others’ lives will always stay behind! This made Queen Luciano foundation proceed in making Valentine’s day celebration worthwhile by visiting the Ago Ireti leprosy home at Oba Ile, It was an emotional outing as the men and women were filled with love and a sincere heart full of gratitude! Some gifts were presented to them as a sign of love and compassion… Indeed, love does not discriminate.