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Empowering the Next Generation with Skills: The Queen Luciana Foundation’s Goal for Teen Development

  • Post published:September 3, 2024
  • Post category:General

The rise in the unemployment rate in Nigeria has created the need to equip teenagers with both hard and soft skills. These skills go beyond traditional education and classroom learning and give them the edge to shoulder the economic and structural turmoil in the country. It also paves the way to economic independence and financial security.

Due to this need for skill empowerment, the Queen Luciano Foundation partnered with Ogechi Chinenye Onyebuchi to launch the “Skill-a-Teen project in Oda Community, Akure, Ondo State. This initiative, which is part of Chinenye’s Community Development Service (CDS) project, aimed to empower teenagers aged 9 to 18 by providing them with essential skills.

This article delves into a highlight of how this six-day event, held from August 19th to 24th, 2024, provided teenagers with a comprehensive set of skills designed to enhance their employability, social responsibility, and academic performance.

Unleashing Potential: The Vision Behind Skill-a-Teen

The Skill-a-Teen project was a four-hour daily workshop that brought together teenagers from Oda Community and beyond to learn and develop seven critical skills. The skills that the students learnt include

  • Video editing
  • Graphic Designing
  • Knitting
  • Basic computer knowledge
  • Baking and confectionery
  • Cosmetology
  • Shoemaking.

Ogechi Chinenye Onyebuchi convened this event. She is a serving corp member of the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC), Akure, Ondo State. This initiative was her personal Community Development Service (CDS) project, and the Queen Luciano Foundation played a pivotal role as a partner in making this project a success. The Skill-a-Teen project was born out of a desire to equip the youth with practical skills that would serve them throughout their lives. It has the aim of moulding teenagers into more skilled, responsible, and employable individuals

Day One: Setting the Stage for Transformation

The first day of the Skill-a-Teen project was marked by a powerful opening speech by the NYSC, Akure South zonal inspector, Mrs Eunice Akiyemi. She congratulated the attendees for their privilege to participate in such an educative event.. A speech by the convener, corper Chinenye, followed. She welcomed everyone to the event and thanked her partners, such as the Queen Luciano Foundation and Sabi Programmers, who made the project a success. Her words emphasised the importance of skill acquisition for the youth, highlighting how these abilities would shape their future and contribute to the community’s development.

Following the opening speech, participants attended a session on public speaking and leadership, which equipped them with essential skills to communicate effectively and lead with confidence. This session was particularly impactful, as it provided the teenagers with the tools to express themselves clearly and take on leadership roles in their schools and communities.

After the leadership session, the participants were divided into their chosen skill classes, where they began hands-on training. This practical approach ensured that each teenager could start developing their skills from day one, with guidance from experienced facilitators. These facilitators were tasked with providing theoretical knowledge and hands-on lessons for the students.

Building Momentum: Four Days of Hands-On Learning and Skill Mastery

The subsequent days of the “Skill-a-Teen” project they followed a similar structure to the first day, excluding the speech on leadership and public speaking. Each day began with the teenagers grouping themselves in their classes of interest, where they continued to refine their skills under the watchful eyes of their experienced facilitators.

The emphasis on practical, hands-on learning ensured that by the end of the five days, the participants had not only acquired theoretical knowledge but also gained the confidence to apply these skills in real-life situations. The variety of skills offered, ranging from technical skills like video editing and basic computer knowledge to creative ones like knitting and baking, catered to a wide range of interests, ensuring that every participant found something they were passionate about.

Throughout these sessions, the Queen Luciano Foundation team provided continuous support. They ensured that the program went on smoothly and they also motivated the teenagers to push their boundaries and excel in their chosen fields. Moreover, they provided the refreshments which the participants shared as a way of curbing their fatigue at the end of the day.

A Grand Finale: Showcasing Skills and Celebrating Success (Day 6)

The final day of the “Skill-a-Teen” project was a celebration of the participants’ hard work and achievements. The day began with an independent practical session where each teen had the opportunity to showcase the skills they had acquired over the week. Under the supervision of their facilitators and the Queen Luciano Foundation team.

Following the practical sessions, the General Manager of the Queen Luciano Foundation, Mr Daramola, addressed the participants, encouraging them to continue honing their skills and thanking them for their dedication. urging the participants to take the skills they had learned seriously and to continue honing them even after the workshop ended. The highlight of the day was the presentation of gifts to the outstanding students. This gesture not only rewarded their efforts but also motivated them to keep striving for excellence. This gesture was not only a reward for their hard work but also a symbol of the foundation’s commitment to nurturing young talent.

In her closing remarks, Corper Chinenye, the convener of the project, thanked the Queen Luciano Foundation for their immense support and encouragement. She expressed her hope that the foundation would continue to grow and impact more lives in the future. Her words resonated with everyone present, as they reflected on the success of the “Skill-a-Teen” project and the positive impact it had on the participants.


The “Skill-a-Teen” project was a resounding success, thanks to the collaborative efforts of the convener, serving corp member, Ogechi Chinenye Onyebuchi, Queen Luciano Foundation and Sabi Programmers. For six days, teenagers in the Oda Community were equipped with valuable skills that will serve them well in their academic and professional lives. The project not only empowered the participants but also strengthened the community, proving once again that when organizations and individuals come together with a shared vision, they can create lasting change. The Queen Luciano Foundation remains committed to supporting such initiatives, as they continue to work towards their mission of empowering communities through education and skill development.