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Queen Luciano Foundation Celebrates 2022 World Health Day In Grand Style 

  • Post published:July 6, 2022
  • Post category:General

World Health Day is celebrated on the 7th day of April annually, it is a day designated by the World Health Organization (W. H. O)  to  project global health awareness and celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the organization. Several non-governmental organizations with goals and vision in line with that of the World Health Organization continuously contribute their quota  to raise awareness about health and health-related issues, as well as best ways to address them.

Health Awareness Walk

This year World Health Day was celebrate in grand style by Queen Luciano Foundation in the city of Akure Ondo state,  Nigeria. The celebration kicked off shortly after the weekly market sanitation with a walk to raise awareness about health and needs to be conscious of their health and why they should  go for frequent medical check up.

The health awareness walk started  from Sacred heart Catholic Cathedral down to Isinkan market where  shops  along the route were visited as well as the nooks and crannies of Isinkan market by Staff and volunteers of Queen Luciano Foundation. 

Immediately after the sensitization, the market women came out in mass for a free medical check up organized by the foundation at a stand provided at the market square,  where medical professionals attended to them and ran series of medical check  and gave medical advice and counselling.

The free medical check up lasted for over 5 hours with over 90 women given medical attention. They were glad with inestimable joy and smile on their faces and in return,  they showed their appreciation to the founder, the staffs and volunteers of Queen Luciano Foundation for the rare opportunity.

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