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Bringing Joy to Children: Queen Luciano Foundation’s 2024 Children’s Day Celebration

  • Post published:May 30, 2024
  • Post category:General

In today’s digital age, children are continually exposed to the potential demerits of technology, ranging from unhealthy content to cyberbullying 

Without the right direction, guidance, censorship, and awareness, this havoc will continue to breed negative thoughts on the mental and emotional well-being of children.  This creates an overarching need to educate them on safe online practices.

That is why, on 27th May 2024, in celebration of National Children’s Day, the Queen Luciano Foundation (QLF) took proactive steps to protect and empower children. Visiting Graceland Orphanage in Akure, Ondo State, and Eghosa Orphanage Home in Benin City, Edo State, the foundation not only brought joy and gifts but also taught them ways to navigate the online world safely. This year’s theme, “Protecting the Nigerian Child from the Dangers of Online Technology,” influenced the day’s lecture.

The Queen Luciano Foundation’s team arrived at Graceland Orphanage in Akure and Eghosa Orphanage  Home in Benin City with food items and gifts. The children greeted the team with smiles and excitement. They showed a high level of eagerness to partake in the day’s festivities.

This was followed by an educational talk bordering on the theme of the day, “Protecting the Nigerian Child from the Dangers of Online Technology.” The QLF team and the staff members of the two homes discussed crucial topics such as the importance of personal life privacy, recognizing online dangers, and how children can seek help if they encounter an online danger. The children listened attentively, taking in the vital information that would help them navigate the digital world more safely.

Moreover, the older section of the children was allowed to ask questions during the interactive sessions. They also shared their experiences with online technology which they have been exposed to using their computers and smartphones. These open discussions provided deeper insights into their understanding and concerns, ensuring they left with practical knowledge and confidence.

The foundation distributed essential food items to both homes to ensure the children had nutritious meals to survive Each child also got personalised gifts from the staff members and volunteers in attendance. This brought joy to their heart and made them feel special on this significant day.

Furthermore, the day was filled with different games and exciting competitions, designed to encourage the children in the area of teamwork and creativity. Laughter filled the respective children’s homes as they participated enthusiastically in the various games.

This brought the celebration to an end. It ended on a high note with a music and dance session. Both the staff and children joined in, creating a vibrant and joyful atmosphere. The children’s happy faces and energetic moves highlighted the success of the day’s activities bringing great satisfaction to the heart of the QLF team.

The National Children’s Day celebration by the Queen Luciano Foundation at Graceland Orphanage and Eghosa Orphanage Home was a memorable and impactful event. The event provided the means to celebrate the existence of children in our society and brought out an opportunity to enlighten the children on how to protect themselves from the havoc of online technology. As the foundation continues its mission, such initiatives remain crucial in fostering safe and supportive environments for Nigeria’s future generations. The foundation’s dedication to these causes ensures that every child can grow up in a nurturing and informed community, ready to face the challenges of the modern world.