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Our Land, Our Future: Queen Luciano Foundation on the 2024 World Environment Day Celebration

  • Post published:July 4, 2024
  • Post category:General

Environmental pollution, mishandling and degradation are recurring issues against our health and future. Neglecting our surroundings harms nature and also jeopardises our well-being and the future state of our unborn.

That is why, in celebration of World Environment Day, themed, “Our Land, Our Future: We Are #GenerationRestoration,” the Queen Luciano Foundation launched a community service project to mark its June project. This initiative, held in both Akure and Benin City, was to raise awareness about environmental cleanliness, hygiene and nature care. They try to imagine how it will be to wake up to a cleaner, greener city, where every corner reflects the dedication and love for our environment.

Queen Luciano Foundation’s awareness for a cleaner and healthier environment

The World Environment Day project by the Queen Luciano Foundation was a significant initiative held on June 20th, 2024. The foundation focused on creating awareness about the importance of environmental cleanliness and our collective responsibility for preserving our planet. The awareness was carried out in its two locations, Akure, Ondo State and Benin City, Edo State.

The Akure team, consisting of dedicated staff and volunteers, arrived at the pedestrian bridge along the Oja Oba Market axis early in the morning. The area was surveyed, and tasks were assigned, including cleaning the pedestrian bridge and the surrounding areas. The team swept and gathered dirt, then packed it into the incinerator van provided by the Ondo State Waste Management Agency. The pedestrian bridge was the target area as many commuters passed through it to and fro the popular market.

In the course of the exercise, pictures and videos were taken to document the process, engage the community, and preserve it for reference purposes. The cleaning agents on duty, who were the workers of the  Ondo State Waste Management Agency, were also included in the documentation. This symbolises collaboration and shared responsibility which the government and citizens owe Mother Nature.

The initiative aimed to educate the inhabitants of Akure on the importance of maintaining a clean environment for the health and well-being of all. The project was well-received by both passersby and the Ondo State Waste Management Agency, who appreciated the foundation’s efforts to help clean the market surroundings.

The program concluded successfully before the sellers started opening their shops. It ended with an appreciation remark from the team lead of the Ondo State Waste Management Agency. The team lead highlighted that clean environments are a collective responsibility, not just the government’s duty.

Likewise, in Benin City, the project was a success. It was held at the roundabout axis on Ring Road. The dedicated staff and volunteers, equipped with the necessary cleaning tools, began their task after arriving at the venue. They encountered a lady who was already sweeping the large car park. She introduced herself as one working for the Edo State Environmental Agency. She expressed her gratitude for the additional help.

Just like the Akure team, the Benin team started their cleanup in the wee hours of the morning and ended when the sellers started opening their shops. The presence of the QLF crew drew attention from the public, with many expressing their thanks and curiosity about the foundation’s work. They came over to enquire about them and why they were helping clear up the place. This team used this interaction opportunity to spread the message of environmental care and community involvement. The project garnered positive responses from the community, with many appreciating the foundation’s efforts and engaging in conversations about environmental responsibility. Most of the passersby promised to start helping out with cleaning the place before they left.

The Queen Luciano Foundation’s World Environment Day remembrance was a resounding success, demonstrating the power of collective action in addressing environmental issues. By focusing on cleanliness, awareness, and nature care, the foundation emphasised the theme, “Our Land, Our Future: We Are #GenerationRestoration.” Both in Akure and Benin City, the projects not only cleaned the surroundings but also inspired the community to take responsibility for their environment. The project underscored the importance of individual contributions to maintaining public spaces, highlighting that everyone has a role to play in creating a cleaner environment.