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We Brought Out The Sporting Potentials In Every Campers Through The Camp Olympic Game

  • Post published:September 30, 2022
  • Post category:General

Sport and games for children are major factors that help them develop all-pervasive talents required to guide them in a lifetime. The need for children to participate in physical and fitness exercises these days is high in other to help them prevent avoidable health issues such as obesity. we know that children have natural energy in them which requires to be used daily so as to have a healthy life, we are fully aware of this, and it is the motivation towards the sporting activities during the Holiday Camp.

The academic and skill acquisition classes continued the second week of the camp, just as there was a major event for the first week, this second week featured a headline event of sport and games, all packed in the Camp Olympics was held on 26th of August 2022.

The Holiday Camp Olympics Day includes different sporting activities such as the Hurdle Race, Egg race, Basketball, Sack race, Volleyball, Relay race, 100m, 200m,400m race, Long Jump, table soccer, table tennis, Match pass and many more.