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Community Service Exercise( Oja Oba Market Cleanup)

  • Post published:July 4, 2023
  • Post category:General
community service flyer

Community service is an integral part of building a better society.  It is a voluntary actions undertaken by individuals or groups to address the needs of their local community. It involves dedicating one’s time, skills, or resources to support various causes that benefit others. Whether it’s organizing a food drive for the homeless, participating in a cleanup exercise, or tutoring underprivileged children. Engaging in acts of service not only benefits others but also brings a sense of fulfillment to the individuals involved, community service plays a vital role in fostering social cohesion and improving the quality of life for everyone involved. 


Community service being one of our areas of focus led to the visitation of our team to Oja Oba market in Akure, the capital city of Ondo state, Nigeria on 29th of June 2023 for a cleanup exercise. The exercise was accompanied with the theme: “ALONE, WE CAN DO SO LITTLE,  TOGETHER WE CAN DO SO MUCH FOR OUR COMMUNITY” with the aim to take part in the market sanitation and as well encourage the public to partake in community service exercises for the development of our communities.

 Our team arrived at the Oba’s market for the cleaning exercise at exactly 7am with each person with at least a cleaning tool such as brooms, dust pan and waste disposal bags.

The exercise commenced from the line of provision stores, all through to the line of  electronic appliances then to the road sides. At 8:30am, the waste disposal truck arrived, all waste gathered at different locations were  packed into the truck  for proper disposal with the support of the waste management staff, the sanitation exercise ended at  9:30am.

cleanup 1
community development service

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