Good Health is Your Right: Queen Luciano Foundation on the 2024 World Health Day

  • Post published:April 17, 2024
  • Post category:General

For many people in developing nations such as Nigeria, access to healthcare can be challenging, with time and financial constraints often pushing health to be a secondary concern. This negligence and lack of access to healthcare puts these people at risk of health issues that could have been prevented. This can negatively affect both their lives and those around them. That is why the Queen Luciano Foundation chose World Health Day to be its monthly project for April. Having health as one of its core values, the team found it fulfilling to extend healthcare services to the people in the society. Join us as we look at the powerful success of this project and the joy of the beneficiaries of this year’s health outreach.

Queen Luciano Foundation Celebrates 2024 World Health Day

World Health Day, celebrated annually on April 7th, is mapped out to raise awareness about health-related matters for both individuals and society. This celebration was established by the World Health Organization in 1948. This day serves as a reminder of the importance of healthcare access and periodic checkups. The day focuses on a particular health theme, encouraging individuals and governments to take action and cause a positive impact on health worldwide.

For over three years, the Queen Luciano Foundation mapped out the month of April to bring this global celebration to the local community. They use this as a means to reach out to the people in the society and extend help to them as regards their health. They understand that health, wellness and routine checkups have sadly become an afterthought for the average Nigerian who would rather invest their time and money in hustling for their daily bread than pausing their lives to visit the hospital for regular checkups.

They queued into this year’s theme of “My health, my right” to create a wide awareness in the public on the importance of taking care of their health even while scampering for their daily bread.

For this year’s celebration, they chose Ọgba market, Benin City to reach out to market women and educate them on the need for wellness. The reason for a marketplace is because they knew that average business Nigerians hardly get time for routine checkups or considering the state of their health while running their daily business. Average business Nigerians are also less likely to be conscious of the damage of stress to their health if they have not broken down and been hospitalised.

They gathered market women on 7th April, D-day, to run some basic tests on them. Of course, they collaborated with medical personnel for such outreach.

From 12:15 pm onwards, market women showed up in large numbers, eager to engage in various health screenings and benefit from the expertise of our dedicated nurses and staff.

They tested the women for sugar level and BP and the results were announced to each participant on the spot.

The QLF team and the participating medical personnel also sensitised the women on different aspects such as preventive measures, healthy lifestyle choices, and the importance of taking time out of their busy schedules and getting routine checkups. The team told the women that they must immediately get the help of a medical practitioner. The team further told them that so many sicknesses can be prevented if they check out their condition regularly.

The women who benefited from the program expressed deep joy that such an initiative which isn’t out for monetary gain is done in their community. One of them said that she was surprised because it is hard to find such gestures on the streets of Benin City. They also showed their eagerness to take charge of their health to avoid preventable diseases. Pictures were taken and the women also begged that such initiatives be done in the future.