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Promoting The Beauty in the Cultural Diversity of Nigeria Through the Holiday Camp Cultural Day

  • Post published:October 14, 2022
  • Post category:General

culture is the way of life of an entire society, community or group of persons of ethic relation. It includes code of manner, language, arts, dress, religion  etc. Culture is a rich and valuable asset of every community, region or nation, it is of great importance to value and preserve such heritage. For culture to be preserved, we must constantly pass it to the younger generation by making use of all available means to make every child relate with his/her culture.

Through the Holiday Camp, Queen Luciano Foundation in partnership with Don Bosco Youth Animation Centre took a giant leap higher in the preservation of Nigerian cultural heritage by teaching all the campers the beauty  in the cultural diversity of Nigeria.

Nigeria is a country blessed with multiple ethics and culturally diverse people. Nigeria boast of over 50 languages and over 250 dialects and ethnic groups. Hausa-Fulani who are the major occupants of the north, the Igbo who are predominant in the south-east, and the Yoruba in the southwest region are the three largest ethnic groups in Nigeria.

Benin Tribe

Igbo Tribe

The Benin people occupy between the south-east and south- west region, that is, Yorubaland and Igboland. Next to the Benin people are the Ibibio/Annang/Efik people of the coastal southeastern Nigeria and the Ijaw of the Niger Delta.

The rest of Nigeria’s ethnic groups (sometimes called ‘minorities’) are found all over the country but especially in the middle belt and north.

Hausa Tribe

Yoruba Tribe

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